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Rehearsing Regular Bowel Movements

Dr. Karlo Mauro, N.D.

Last article I talked about the Theatre of the Mind. I hope you've put it into action: Sitting down and visualizing how your life will be like in 30 days without constipation problems. It really makes your imagination work. Remember to include all five senses.

There is no reason why, in the Theatre of YOUR Mind, you can't start enjoying the results of a life free of constipation, gas and bloating, today.

If you read a lot, especially fiction books, you may find the practice easier, because you are used to visualizing sights, sounds, smells, tastes and touch in your mind. But, even if you're more of a movie buff, you can treat it the same. In one exercise Dr. Maltz actually starts with the person visualizing themselves walking into a movie theatre.

Some people find it easier to actually visualize themselves as if their life is being enacted on a movie screen.

Whatever works better for you. Have fun with it.

Today, however, I'm going to share with you a different approach. It's quite simple...

After each meal, head to the washroom. Sit on the toilet. Try your best to have a bowel movement. (Don't get red in the face or anything.) Just push down with your bowels.

Make sure you follow the instruction in Constipation Relief Strategy #1 (How to Use Your Toilet). As you already know, the "normal" way most people sit on a toilet makes it far more difficult to go to the washroom.

Do this for about a minute. Don't worry if nothing comes out. This is just training... or as I like to put it: Rehearsing Regularity.

Sometimes people think of having regular bowel movements and going to the washroom three times a day as an inconvenience. Maybe this is how you feel about it.

But, this practice requires you to spend three times a day on the toilet anyway — your mind/body will hopefully surrender and figure: "Well, since Dr. Mauro talked me into sitting here... I might as well have a bowel movement."

Start doing this today. After each meal is probably an easy way to remember. Some doctors believe that you should be having a bowel movement after each meal. Don't worry about it if you don't. We just need to get you having 1-3 bowel movements a day. We can fine tune things later.

Yours in Natural Health,

Dr. Karlo Mauro, N.D.

Dr. Karlo Mauro, BSc, BA, MSEd, ND
Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine
Constipation Relief Strategies For Women


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