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Recommended Websites & Products

Dr. Mauro's Websites...

Constipation Relief Recipes - Let Dr. Mauro's 123 Anti-Constipation Bowel-Regulating Recipes help you get back to having regular bowel movements without bloating, gas and fatigue.

3-Week Detox Plan - Dr. Mauro's simple step-by-step 3-Week Detox & Vitality Diet Plan quickly flushes toxins from your body and burns ugly fat, boosts energy, clears up skin and eliminates bloating, gas and indigestion. If 3 weeks is too long for you, then you can do Dr. Mauro's 7-Day Cleanse which you'll get as a free bonus.

Natural Immune Boosting Strategies - Boosting your immune system is simple... if you know what to do. Dr. Mauro's 27 Natural Immune Boosting & Flu Prevention Strategies shows you exactly what to do. You'll get 27 of his best natural methods to help kick up your immune system. - Dr. Mauro's Naturopathic Clinic website. - Sign up for The Natural Scoop, Dr. Mauro's free weekly email broadcasts.


Other Recommended Websites & Products...


Feel Good Natural Health Food Store - This Ontario-based health food store also takes orders online. They carry many natural products from any company you're looking for. The best part about this store is that they'll ship your supplements to you anywhere across the world. Here are a few supplements they carry which may help you with your digestive tract problems...

7-Day Back Pain Cure - If you're experiencing back pain and bowel irregularity, they might be connected. Instead of just treating your digestive tract directly, you should also work on rebalancing your back & hip muscles. The Healthy Back Institute is giving away a hardcopy of their 254 page book, 7-Day Back Pain Cure, for free.

Brown Rice Protein Powder (USA) - Most protein powders on the market are made from constipating soy or whey protein. Sun Warrior protein is made from easy to digest raw sprouted whole grain brown rice. Unfortunately, they will only ship to those who live in the United States.

Fresh Alaskan Fish (U.S. customers only) - Finding fresh & tasty (yet safe) fish to eat isn't easy these days with all the fish farming going on... until now. Check out Vital Choice's Wild Alaskan Salmon. It's one of the most nutritious foods on earth with high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants (including astaxanthin) and it's a great source of protein too.

The Tapping Solution - The Tapping Solution is a documentary film that explores Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) -- A new discovery that combines Ancient Chinese Acupressure and Modern Psychology with startling results! This simple technique, which literally involves "tapping" on the meridian points of our body while saying certain statements, is providing powerful results. Users of "Tapping" have reported relief from anxiety, chronic pain, emotional problems, addictions, phobias, post traumatic stress disorder, limiting belief and blocks to success, weight loss, athletic performance and much more.

Natural Medicine For Your Pet - This veterinarian has the best natural pet health material available online. He's like a naturopathic doctor – but for pets! So if you own a dog or cat, you should consider getting some of this Online Vet Doctor's free information. This way, you're not scrambling to the vet and giving your pet prescription pharmaceutical meds every time he or she is ill.

Permanent Weight Loss With Hypnosis - It's been determined in studies that the key to successful weight loss is not the diet itself, but actually FOLLOWING THE DIET! So instead of looking for that "PERFECT DIET," it makes a lot more sense to find a safe way to adhere to your diet. Read this letter and you'll discover that hypnosis is by far the safest, most researched and effective way for you to stick to the eating plan you have chosen. In Dr. Temes' 4-CD program you will go through seven short hypnosis sessions that last around 20 minutes each. Thousands have lost weight successfully using Dr. Temes' program. And get this... they offer a one-year no-questions-asked money-back guarantee.

Hypnosis for Health & Wellness - Whether you want to manage your stress and anxiety, stop your chronic headaches/migraines, stop smoking, end your chronic pain or you want to recover from your surgery quicker, hypnosis can help. - Chudokai Aikido Federation International


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